Tagged with Internet

Internet access as a human right?

The events taking place in Iran for the past three weeks have made me thinking about this topic. Would the situation in Iran been different if access to the internet was part of the UN’s declaration of human rights? Isn’t it time to start thinking about internet as a utility, as something that is so … Continue reading

Frp mangler nettkoden

Frp har ikke knekket internettkoden. Vil internett ta knekken på tv-partiet Frp? Siv Jensen. Foto: Bård Gudim, Frp (Sorry to my international readers, but this is an article I’ve written for the Norwegian newspaper Morgenbladet, about the Progress Party, the second largest party in Norway, and their paradoxical use of the internet in the election … Continue reading

Exposed by the Internet – Solstad, Siegel and Gould

Have you ever felt naked online? Too much information out there, about yourself, your feelings, your surroundings, your private opinions? I was struck by the resemblance between these three stories yesterday, as I by coincidence stumbled upon some of them. And all of these three people; Dag Solstad, Norwegian writer, Lee Siegel, American critic, and … Continue reading

If in Oslo next week, go to this seminar

I wished I could go to this seminar in Oslo next week, Monday 5: (How free is the Internet?) Hvor fritt er internett? Grunnleggeren av Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, skal innlede når Nobels Fredssenter og Teknologirådet inviterer til konferanse 5. mai. Temaet er ytringsfrihet og sensur på internett. Møtet holdes mandag 5. mai fra 09.00 til … Continue reading