Filed under Fashion

Naughty, naughty

Once in awhile I get contacted by companies or organizations that have discovered my blog because stuff I’ve written about, and they want me to write about what all the wonderful things they do. Most often I don’t. But yesterday I got an email from a French store, Locher’s that caught my attention. They probably … Continue reading

Thanks Odd Molly fashionistas!

One of the first blog posts I wrote, The online search for Odd Molly, was about the Swedish clothing brand, Odd Molly. Fashion has not been a frequent topic of this blog, but I’ve been thrilled to see all the unexpected visitors coming to my blog, looking for fashion news. And even more crazy, if … Continue reading

The online search for Odd Molly

When it comes to clothing, women are willing to go a far stretch. And apparently, fans of the Swedish brand Odd Molly are more desperate than others. Just so sad to see that the Odd Molly-folks are not following up the chat going on online about their own brand. Before I continue with Odd Molly, … Continue reading